Pepperdine's Most Fundable

Cast21 Named One of Pepperdine's Most Fundable Companies of 2020

Illinois Ventures portfolio company Cast21 was named to the 2020 Pepperdine Most Fundable Companies list, following a highly competitive selection process. More than 4,500 early-stage U.S. startups from across all 50 states applied, 20 of which were selected based on several company variables including financial projections, market opportunity, intellectual property, competitive advantage, and management-team expertise.

Cast21 created a waterproof, breathable cast. Unlike traditional casts, the Cast21 has an open lattice design (inspired by a Chinese finger trap) that allows the wearer to wash and scratch the skin below the molding. The cast is made of a medalist thermoplastic elastomer, a waterproof material that is comfortable on skin and easy to work with in manufacturing, that is molded to the patient’s arm using a patent-pending tubing system.